We get in the field without a pc and invariably it locks up solid. Only method to reset it when in this state I have found is to connect via serial using the firmware tool and send a reset to the esp32. Bluetooth serial does not work so no phone/tablet connection is available when it is locked. The front screen is black, but is is still powered on.
Long story short, is there any secret way to hard reset the rtk facet L-band? It seems an egregious error by the designers to not have an easily accessible reset switch, but I’m hoping I am missing something simple.
It needs a button. We need a hard reset. not looking for a factory reset. It is so flaky and it is a beta quality device with no physical reset as far as I can tell. Seems like an enormous oversight. It has locked up in the field 50% or more of the time.
Maybe everyone else uses these differently, but we pack it out to a location, power it up, put it on a pole and wait for a lock. It often(very often) will not rtkfix or some other thing like the pointperfect keys don’t update so we shut it off to restart it and try again. At this point it often locks up with nothing on the screen and no Bluetooth connection available. If we have no PC with us, we are done…
Take it back to PC, hook up USB, fire up firmware tool, reset esp32. Only way to reset it. Very frustrating when a paperclip hole reset button would get us going again.
We just tried grounding ERST and all we get is a lit up stat light and an unresponsive unit. Had to pull power to reset after that. Can anyone chime in and tell us where to connect for a hard reset of the entire unit?