RTK Facet Turning Off and Not Turning Back On

My Sparkfun RTK Facet has started having an issue where it will turn off and not be able to be turned back on. This happens fully charged, USB-C plugged in, or USB-C not plugged in. It will stay on and function properly for between 1 to 30 minutes-ish and then turn off. When it turns off it does not go through the typical shut down cycle on the display, the display just goes dark. It will then be unable to turn on for a variable amount of time (5 minutes to several hours sometimes). While it is unable to turned on, there is a light on the main board that is constantly on. I believe this is the STAT LED. Once the light turns off, the unit is able to be turned on again.

I have tried full disassembly, a new battery, and updating to the most recent firmware. The same issue comes up.

Any help would be appreciated.



Pay attention to the temperature of the device when it shuts off. Overheating can sometimes cause electronics to shut down unexpectedly. Make sure the device is well-ventilated and not exposed to excessive heat.

Understood but I don’t think this is it. I’ve had it do this outside on cold or warm days and also when the unit is on my desk, room temp, with the casing disassembled. Nothing is noticeably hot when it does this.

It is unlikely that the Facet is going through thermal shutdown; low power electronics, lot of room in the housing. Can you send me your order number in a private message?