RTK surveyor calibration

I have been using my RTK surveyor kit and have updated both of the firmwares.

I have set the bluetooth to BLE to use with my iphone and that all seems to work fine.

I have signed up with Skylark for ntrip correction and the error on long and lat shows .38 inches

However, i have access to a local NOAA benchmark and after letting the system settle until the Lat/Lon is steady, the RTK fix light is solid, and the 1cm light is on the Latitude reading is off by 1.3 feet (0.013 seconds) and the longitude reading is off by 5.36 feet (0.067 seconds) according to the printed location for the NOAA benchmark.

Is there a calibration adjustment to get closer to the benchmark?

Yes, run through this https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … ification/ and see if you get similar results

Thanks, i went through the conversion process and got 1.5" and 2.4" off which could be Skylark’s problem but it is close enough for my uses.

Thanks again.