I would like to output NMEA from the data port on an RTK Surveyor V17 I recently purchased, but I am only getting garbled records.
I have played with the various switches available on the board as described [here. I chose not to mess with the port in the back as it didn’t seem relevant, but as described in [this post it was not clear how the switch in the back fit into the scheme. It does appear there is a [old branch for the V17 in the GitHub hardware repo.
To try to get the expected NMEA output in Putty I have:
Updated the firmware on both the ESP32 microcontroller (v3.2) and the u-blox ZED-F9P (1.32)
Changed baud rates on the data port, both through BlueTooth and Wifi.
Changed baud rates on the in Putty, which is how I attempting to view the serial NMEA records.
Reset to factory defaults.
I have adjusted the messages and message rates and ensured there is not a buffer overrun as described [here.
At this point I am fairly confident that I have the switches correctly,and I believe the ublox is outputting NMEA correctly as I can see NMEA records over BlueTooth when the switches are set accordingly. I have connected serial NMEA into putty on my current machine / configuration previously, so I don’t think I am missing anything on the PC end.
Any ideas / suggestions are welcome.](https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_Firmware/configure_ports/#:~:text=for%20custom%20applications.-,Data%20Port,-By%20default%2C%20the)](GitHub - sparkfun/SparkFun_RTK_Surveyor at release_candidate)](RTK Surveyor: no output on Bluetooth serial or data UART - SparkFun Electronics Forum)](https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_Firmware/configure_ports/#:~:text=a%20popped%20balloon.-,Surveyor%20Data%20Port,-By%20default%2C%20the)