I recently purchased a RTK Surveyor (base model with no display). While first testing the device, I was unable to see any GPS output (NMEA or otherwise) on the data UART or on the Bluetooth serial device. I am only able to connect to the device over USB on the CONFIG ESP32 port and over WiFi.
I have tried Bluetooth serial from my Android phone with a Bluetooth Serial Terminal, where I could pair my phone to the device, but the serial connection is immediately terminated.
I have tried Bluetooth from a Windows PC, where I could pair to the device and I see 2 COM ports, but neither of them output any data.
I have tried connecting the data UART to a telemetry radio, but do not see any output. Using the USB connection to the RTK Surveyor, I changed the data UART baud rate to 57600, which is expected from the Sik telemetry radio. I have also used a scope to probe all of the data UART pins, and found the lines to be either idle high (I’m assuming TX) or what appears to be floating (I’m assuming RX).
While connected to the device over USB serial, when not in the configuration menu I see periodic (~1Hz) status messages similar to this:
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.6410
Batt (99%): Voltage: 4.18V Charging: 2.29%/hr Green
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.4624
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.4672
Batt (99%): Voltage: 4.18V Discharging: -2.08%/hr Green
In the system menu, I also see
Menu: System
GNSS: Online - ZED-F9P firmware: HPG 1.13
SIV: 24, HPA (m): 1.493, Lat: 47.########, Lon: -122.########, Altitude (m): ###.#
The location is correct, so I know the GPS is working.
In the GNSS messages section, the following NMEA messages are enabled (the defaults):
Menu: Message NMEA
1) Message UBX_NMEA_DTM: 0
2) Message UBX_NMEA_GBS: 0
3) Message UBX_NMEA_GGA: 1
4) Message UBX_NMEA_GLL: 0
5) Message UBX_NMEA_GNS: 0
6) Message UBX_NMEA_GRS: 0
7) Message UBX_NMEA_GSA: 1
8) Message UBX_NMEA_GST: 1
9) Message UBX_NMEA_GSV: 4
10) Message UBX_NMEA_RMC: 1
11) Message UBX_NMEA_VLW: 0
12) Message UBX_NMEA_VTG: 0
13) Message UBX_NMEA_ZDA: 0
x) Exit
For completeness, here’s the baud rate config:
Menu: Ports
1) Set serial baud rate for Radio Port: 57600 bps
2) Set serial baud rate for Data Port: 57600 bps
Using the USB connection, I was able to upgrade the firmware to v3.0, but the above behavior still holds true. I also tried v2.6, but went back to v3.0.
SparkFun RTK Surveyor v3.0-Jan 19 2023
I am at a loss for how I can get any data from the communication ports on this device. What am I doing wrong?