RTK Surveyor - Bluetooth connection issue

I just received the RTK Surveyor.

I am unable to establish a bluetooth connection.

I have tried both an Amazon Fire 7 and Dell latitude desktop.

I am able to pair both devices but not connect.

The bluetooth pair led on the device continues to blink.

A blinking LED would indicate you’re not paired.

Do you see a new COM port in Windows while attempting to pair?

From the laptop the device are pairing.

4 serial ports are created but putty is unable to connect to any of them.

The led continues to flash.

It appears I am pairing but not connecting.

When using the Amazon fire the RTK creates a new bluetooth device but nothing happens when I hit the connect button.


I was able to get a Bluetooth connection on the Fire 7 by launching SW Maps and initiating a connect from the GNSS Connection page. Not able to connect from the Android O/S.

However, I am not able to see any GPS status on SW Maps (GNSS Status or Skyplot).

Could I have an issue with the Fire 7 not supporting the Bluetooth SPP profile?

That’s a possibility, SPP is considered a legacy protocol and not every device supports it now that things are moving to BLE. :frowning:

Any idea if they will be moving the Bluetooth to BLE anytime soon?

I am also having the same problem. Bluetooth pairs but will not connect. Blue light continues to blink. Tried Dell XPS 13, OnePlus 8 Pro, Samsung Tab S7+, and Samsung S9+. Wonder if we got a bad batch? My RTK Surveyor shipped 4/27/21.

Solution found!

I opened the unit and found that one of the switches was incorrectly configured.

It is necessary for expected bluetooth behavior that both switches be set in the up position.

My unit was shipped with the bottom switch set in the down position.

Thanks tsegula,

I opened my unit up to check the switches and they both seemed to be in the correct position.

I switched both switches back and forth a couple times and retried bluetooth.

Works perfectly now.

I’m having the same problem in pairing to bluetooth.

Where are the switches being discussed?

You have to open up the unit.

I opened the unit and did not see any switches on the front of the board. Are they on the back? It would be helpful to have access to a diagram of both sides of the board.

It appears that the RTK Surveyor initially pairs to the phone but instantly disconnects. The phone shows the RTK Surveyor device Surveyor Rover-0D3A with the Bluetooth address of AC:67:B2:1B:0D:3AHowever, it will not reconnect.

The bottom of the stack of 3 LEDs is flashing blue, the middle LED is flashing yellow, the battery LED is green.

SW Maps shows the GNSS Connection device as Surveyor Rover-0d3A but when CONNECT it tapped, it shows “GNSS Instrument Connection Failed!”

The phone has no issue with pairing other Bluetooth devices.

So, is the unit defective and needs to be returned?

My ‘bottom line’ is if the RTK Surveyor does not pair with Bluetooth to an android phone (using Android 11), then it is useless for my applications with SWMaps and will have to be returned.

A blinking LED would indicate you’re not paired.

Do you see a new COM port in Windows while attempting to pair?

I am not using Windows.

The phone (Pixel 4a running Android 11) recognizes the Surveyor and briefly pairs it but the connection is instantly dropped. The Surveyor is then shown as a “PREVIOUSLY CONNECTED DEVICE”.

SW Maps shows under GNSS Connection the device "Surveyor Rover-0D3A.

But when “Connect is tapped”, SW Maps shows “gatt status 133”, “GNSS Instrument Connection Failed”.

My phone has no issues pairing Bluetooth with other devices.

I need to use the Sparkfun RTK Surveyor for surveying using SW Maps Bluetooth paired with the Android phone. A partner is doing this with great success, which led me to purchase the RTK Surveyor. The Bluetooth connection on this unit is not working. Can I return it and get a working unit?

I found another fix that might be relevant.

I was experiencing the same android issues - bluetooth on android was showing paired, but wouldnt connect. It seems this is a misnomer. In my case, i would go into sw maps and click the top left maps icon, bringing up the side menu. Hit bluetooth gnss, then on the bottom right i hit connect, and it says connection failed.

I opened up the device with a thought to change the switches, but they seemed to be fine. I flicked both down and up again just to be sure (“up” i believe is the direction of the word bluetooth and NMEA on the switches). I turned it back on, all the same so far. Went to SW maps… it turned out what might have been the issue was in the bottom right, near the connect button, specifically next to the settings cog, is a tiny hidden drop down menu. I can’t remember what it was on (something incorrect i believe) but i changed that to “SparkFun RTK Surveyor” and hit connect and it worked.