Urgent Help! Facet RTK will no longer connect via Bluetooth

Two days ago I finally got everything to work. Got an RTK fix on a known benchmark within 1/2". Awesome. Today, I turned it on to do some actual real work. But the device will not make a bluetooth connection to two different Android phones that I tried.

This is before I ever try opening SW Maps.


Version 3.6

Display window says B656, so it’s transmitting.

On the phone, the device shows up in the connection list. Can click it, and then click pair on the popup box. For a brief instant, it shows up as a connected device, but then it immediately drops down to the “Previously Connected” category.

Wifi connection via the rtk config works fine. Tried a factory reset. Bluetooth protocol is SPP.

I tried a second Android phone and got the same problem.

Just for grins, I reset Bluetooth to BLE and tried to connect via my iphone. It didn’t even show up in the list.

I’ve reset it to SPP and then tried reconnecting on Android a few hundred times.

Please give me some ideas. I really need this to function for my biz because I’m on a deadline.

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9g6wikuw … a2byg&dl=0

Here’s a link to a quick video of me trying to connect:

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9g6wikuw … a2byg&dl=0

Did you have any lucky with that? Mine is doing the same. I have a SparkFun RTK Express Plus Kit.

I found this topic, but not sure how to fix it.


This is an old conversation, but I thought to add this comment in case it helps someone.
I discovered that I didn’t fully understand the bluetooth light on the RTK Surveyor. Usually when connecting a BT device eg. headphones to a phone, the connection light goes solid as soon as pairing occurs as an app on the phone connects at the same time. On the Surveyor, the BT light continues to flash when pairing has occurred, and goes solid only after the user connects to the RTK Surveyor via an app (eg. Lefebure NTRIP Client or SW Maps) on the host device.