RTK Surveyor not working

First, I had the same “wrong antenna cable” problem mentioned by another poster. The misleading website problem is still there. The correct cable is in the Hookup Accessories section, but if you read further you may be led to the wrong cable under the Frequently Bought Together section. There is NO reason to buy that cable “frequently” for the RTK.

So after getting the wrong cable (twice), I’m finally ready to go. No problem charging as one poster noted. Mounted the “recommended” (new version) L1/L2 antenna on the tripod and set it up on the deck. Turned on power (Rover mode) and LEDs blink during the startup process. Left it out for half an hour. Never any PPS LED blinking, so, of course, no accuracy LED ever came on either. Yesterday checked antenna cable for continuity and shorts - all OK. Yesterday took the setup up to the dam at the end of our lake which has horizon to horizon blue sky. Same non-response.

Open to suggestions,



Hi Don,

I had (I think) the same issue to begin with. It turned out that I had not screwed the antenna SMA connector into the Surveyor far enough. After I made sure it was finger-tight, I got a fix and PPS blinks almost straight away.

Best wishes,


Thanx, I’ve reconnected the cable a few times so I don’t think that’s the problem.

I was just going to add a forgotten item to my post: The blue BT Pairing LED keeps blinking, as expected, but neither iPhone nor iPad sees the RTK even though they say they are in Discovery mode.


Thanks, Paul. When I looked at the hole in the plastic panel where the SMA connector protrudes, I noticed that it was a little off-center. I reamed out the hole a bit and, VOILA!, it must now be connecting. I get the flashing PPS light after a few seconds, and the 100cm light comes on shortly after.

Still no BT though.