RTK Surveyor RTCM Data over wifi

I was wondering if there was a way to send the RTCM data directly over a wifi signal without an NTRIP server as it isn’t an internet connection, but just a direct WiFi tethering. For more information, I am trying to send the RTCM data to a herelink controller through its wifi tethering options.

Check the [url=https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … figuration, it looks like the surveyor can become it’s own NTRIP server and send that data via wifi.

It seems that that requires a service such as rt2go to host an NTRIP server on the internet, which I don’t have access too

You should be able to use U-Center software to host the NTRIP server/caster. You would then use it on the other end as a client. Just point to that PCs IP and the port set in the software.