I am following the Surveyor start up guide and trying to connect the RTK Surveyor to my computer through USB serial connection. I know that my serial to USB connection is working because I can perform the echo test, but when it is connected to the RTK, nothing is shown in the terminal. All my baud rates are set to 115200, and I am using TeraTerm. I need to set up the base station settings of the surveyor and specifically set up a NTRIP server.
Have you tried using U-Center? Our hookup guide can walk through the device setup https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … 1615791300 - also try swapping to the other port?
I am able to use U-Center to get data and connect to the surveyor, is there any way I can configure the base settings from U-Center, I still am not getting any serial data or any ability to configure it from the terminal.
What are your connections between the Surveyor and your USB to serial converter?