RX1 AND TX1 connection


I would like to connect a GPS on TX1 and RX1 with my artemis ATP red board.

Can someone tell me what are the number of the pin to declare? Is it RX1 and TX1 or a number?

I saw the MCU pad fonction mapping and I dont see TX1 and RX1…

Thanks for answer.

Don’t need to declare any pins, just use Serial1 in code and that’s how to talk to RX1 and TX1.

OK, thank you, that works.


I also used RX1 and TX1 on Pin9 and 10 to read some GPS Infos!. But with my Sparkfun RedBoard Nano the compiler writes “undefined reference to `Serial1’”.

What can I do there ?

Looks like there’s an error in the board definitions for the Artemis Nano. It’s been reported and will hopefully be fixed soon.


that is ok. Thank you very much for the info!

I set in my arduino code:

“UART ss(9,10);”

When I used "ss.println(“OK”); " it works on the Pin 9 and the serial port to the USB-Port.

I set the Baudrate for Serial.begin(115200);

When I set ss.begin(9600);

It set both rate to 9600 !!.

Thank you for you help. I am a electronic technican and programming I learn it for me self, but not all things !


Looks like there’s an error in the board definitions for the Artemis Nano. It’s been reported and will hopefully be fixed soon.

try UART Serial1 (D9, D10) (so include ‘D’) or try UART Serial1(SERIAL1_TX, SERIAL1_RX);

On the Nano :

SERIAL1_TX / D9 is referring to pin 39 of the Artemis, which is connected to pin labeled 9 on the board.

SERIAL1_RX / D10 is referring to pin 40 of the Artemis which is connected to pin labeled 10 on the board.


when I used UART Serial1… the USBTX/RX not work.

I like to read RX1 with GPS Datas and send it to the PC with Serial.println(Serial1.read);

But it works not…


Next to defining Serial1 as I indicated (you have to do that), this could be a known issue where I worked on before (https://github.com/sparkfun/Arduino_Apollo3/issues/349).

It was a hard issue to crack and while I have provided the root and solution to Sparkfun It has not been solved yet in the code.

But what you can try to do is connect a 10K resistor between +3v3 and RX1… the whole problem is gone. Connect a device to RX1… the problem is gone. More details in the github link.

interested in your finding.