SAMD21 Pro RF Point to Point Example Sketch Help


I have two Sparkfun SAMD21 Pro RF boards and I’m simply trying to get the Hookup Guide point to point example to function. One is running the Samd21_PRF_Client sketch and the other Samd21_PRF_Server. For whatever reason, I canNOT get the server to respond to the client. I have verified using an SDR that the client is sending out its request every 2 seconds which I can see exactly at 921.2 MHz as shown in the sketch. I’ve confirmed both boards are able to transmit by running the client on both boards. Both boards are using the exact same antenna and u.FL connector directly attached to the board.

I’ve also tried running the example sketches from the radiohead library, adjusting them to use the proper pins for the Pro RF board but I still do not get any response from the server.

Anyone else run into this? I feel like I’m going insane. Thanks!

Does the Server board show the success message on serial monitor? … o-examples

Yes, it shows the proper init strings “RFM Server!” and “Receiver Up!” Doing simple debugging showed I’m never going into the inner loop where the radio is telling the server data is available. (rf95.available() always returning false.) I’m gonna see what other functions are available from the radiohead library and see if the radio is doing anything.

Still no luck getting the server to respond. I’m either dealing with defective boards or I’m doing something completely dumb. These are the first gen boards (, so maybe that’s playing a role too. Either way, I’m kinda dead in the water. Anyone have any other suggestions?