Sample Code for Venus GPS Logger?

Does any one have any code they would be willing to share?

I am looking to use Venus GPS Logger to log data without transmitting. Then I plan to have an application running on my PC that will periodically connect to the Logger via a wireless radio and dump the logged data.

Eventually, I want to get the data in KML so it can be easily displayed on Google maps.

I know this can be done through the sample application but I am looking to have the process automated. It needs to run on a schedule and be unattended.

I would appreciate any help.


I wrote a program (minigpsd) for my nokia or linux which reads GPS data and more and writes to KML files.

I don’t know what you mean by logging - I suppose you could dump serial data to a (micro)SD card and retrieve it using an arduino.

Without saying what is logged, how often, and how much between downloads, it is hard to determine if any particular thing would be useful or not.

You could simply get the logging venus model (if the data would fit) and connect it to a wifi or bluetooth. It does that “out of the box”.