Hello there I was wondering if it was possible to put an LCD screen to make it easier to switch banks, also would it be possible to have zoning? Like can I select a sample to be mapped over a certain amount of keys and last but not least is there any way that I can add effects?
Thanks so much
Hello, and thanks for your post!
The WAV Trigger doesn’t have any provision for adding a LCD display to the board, but if you have the WAV Trigger connected to another system like Arduino, you could connect a LCD to that system. The idea is that the Arduino controls the WAV Trigger and LCD.
You can change volume, track speed and do fading with the WAV Trigger, but you’d need external hardware to do anything other than that.
Hello thanks for the info can one do sample mapping? Like have a synth sample span three keys and then another spanning 4 keys?
Thank you
Not in the expect way where you have a root key for the sample and the sample is played back at a different speed to change the pitch. You would have to create a separate sample for each key that has been pitch shifted. Not that complicated really.