SdFat Version 2

I am developing a new version of the Arduino SdFat library for reading and writing SD cards.

A demo version is available here

I am in the process of finalizing features for V2 and would appreciate any feedback.

SdFat V2 has many new features.

Path names and a current working directory have been added.

The new class, SdFat, simplifies initialization and implements the

current working directory.

SdFat implements many C++ iostream features. New classes include:

ofstream: Stream class to write to files.

ifstream: Stream class to read from files.

fstream: Stream class to both read and write from/to files.

ibufstream: Stream class to parse char strings.

obufstream: Stream class to format char strings.

ArduinoOutStream: Steam to write to Serial and other “Print” devices.

ArduinoInStream: Stream to read from Serial and other “Stream” devices.