Seeking assistance for an RFID project

Hello! I am seeking some assistance in putting together an RFID kit for a project. I want to install RFID tags/stickers on goods inside a commercial fridge and monitor the temp and track the inventory using RFID tech. Any assistance on what parts I will need would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

That could be tricky…the fridge will likely act as a Faraday cage for the RF signals being emitted and interfere…you might be able to rig something up with an external antenna routed to transmit from outside the interior of the fridge…humidity might also be an issue

Check out and … s-tutorial for more info

Is installing a viewport into the door an option?

Thank you for the reply. The fridges have glass front doors if that provides any significant difference. I was thinking the antenna could either be mounted on top (external) or on the underside of the top (internal)

I’ll check out the link provided.

Any other suggestions on what SparkFun components I need to get this off the ground would be awesome!

Thanks again,
