Send Pictures out via Bluetooth

Hi all,

I am trying to realize a camera without any cables using the HM01B0 camera on the Edge board and sending out the data via the on-board BLE module.

I already got the simple stop-motion example posted here working: … StopMotion

So, frames are displayed on my computer.

My question is, what would be the best way to send out those frames using the BLE connection. As far as I know the arduinoBLE lib is not straightforward supported by the Edge board but has been adopted by Paul here


Although the associated code on Github is not easy for me as a Newbie to follow. Nevertheless, a start.

Or would you say that I would need to into the SDK necessarily for this?

Thanks and pardon any misconceptions, I am new to this world. Any help if very much welcome.



Which Sparkfun version are you running on ? (1.2.1 or 2.0.5?)

The SparkFun Boards Package I use is:

SparkFun Apollo3 Boards version 1.2.1