Hardware I am using:
ATMega128: Link - ([ATMega128)
AVR Studio 4.0 with all the SPs and whatnot.
I am having trouble getting these things to work together. The light on the JTAG turns on when powered up, but then when I try to connect to it, the LED either starts to faintly blink or turns off completely. It eventually gives me the message “Cannont Connect”.
THe platform I set it to is AVR JTAG ICE and I set the device to ATMega 128. I have tried to have it automatically find the com or set it to com 1 and some of the other ports. When connecting to a different board (A motorolla 68HCS) with a different debugger it works fine on COM1 with a serial connect
I really need to get this working as soon as possible since I have a project that really needs to get started. Please if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.](http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=11)](http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=37)