Serial port pins for SparkFun ESP32 DMX to LED Shield and Adafruit ESP32-S3 TFT Feather

I’m trying to get Example1-DMXOutput.ino from the Sparkfun DMX library to work with a Adafruit ESP32-S3 TFT Feather on the SparkFun ESP32 DMX to LED Shield.

I think the enPin = 39 and the UART TX pin is 5 and RX is pin 6 on CPU on the Feather.
Schematic for AdaFruit Feather
It appears that:
pin 39 (TXD0) on the ESP32-S3 is connected to JP1-pin 1 (JP1-16 on shield schematic)
pin 5 (TX) on the ESP32-S3 is connected to JP1-pin 2 (JP1-14 on shield schematic)
pin 6 (TX) on the ESP32-S3 is connected to JP1-pin 3 (JP1-15 on shield schematic)

So I don’t know how to tell the Sparkfun DMX library to use these pins. The example code just has HardwareSerial dmxSerial(2);
i did change uint8_t enPin = 21; to uint8_t enPin = 39; in the example code, but it still does not seem to be outputting DMX.

In setup(), explicitly assign the correct TX and RX pins before calling begin():

void setup() {
    pinMode(enPin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(enPin, HIGH); // Enable DMX output

    // Initialize DMX UART2 with custom TX and RX pins
    dmxSerial.begin(250000, SERIAL_8N2, 6, 5); // RX=6, TX=5

    DMX::Initialize(&dmxSerial, enPin);