In the hookup guides for the various gator:science boards, the instructions include monitoring the board output over a serial connection. While I can get this to work using WebUSB on my PC, it does not seem to work on my Linux or my students Mac (I’m working with a group of 9-10 yr olds). I am trying to use a serial terminal emulator (CuteCom), but I have not been able to get this to work.
One thing that I know I don’t know are what the correct serial terminal connections settings should be for a micro:bit e.g. baud, data bits, parity, stop bit, and anything else that I may missing.
Thank you for your help.
Hi there. Thanks for posting.
Hmmm, I think the easiest thing to do in this case is mimic the settings you have in WebUSB into your other serial programs.
If you can provide exactly which sketch or code you are using I can verify what kind of settings you may need in order to see serial data come out. Generally speaking a baud rate of 9600 or 115200 are common but several baud rates are available for use and it depends on what the code is calling for. The Micro:Bit default baud rate is 115200, for instance.
Might be something like:
Baud rate = 115200; Data = 8 bits; Parity = none; Stop = 1 bit.
Hope this helps.
Thanks. I need to trade boards with my son
to test it out. I am using the makecode example from the gator:particle hookup guide, but I suspect that the same issue is true for all of the other hookup guides … de-example
Hey again.
Awesome! Glad to hear things are working.
Let us know if we can do anything else. Cheers for now and best of luck with the project!