I recently ordered a Gator:Particle for a student project with the micro:bit.
We do not have the gator:bit breakout board - we are just using an edge connector with a breadboard.
On the gator:particle, we’ve got 3v3 connected to 3v on the micro:bit
GND is connected to GND
SCL is connected to pin 19
SDA is connected to pin 20
We’re using the example makecode program on the hookup guide, and our gator:particle always reads 0 bpm. We tried reading on a finger, wrist… no reading, no heartbeat detected.
Is something wrong with the device or are we using it incorrectly? Tips would be welcome! I’m attaching the student’s code.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bzYYP … sp=sharing
Thank you,
Dawn D.
Do you mind sharing a photo of the setup/wiring?
Thanks for the response - I’ll share a photo on Monday when I am back at school with the students.
In the meantime we do have an update. It seemed to be a code issue and not a hardware issue.
The students were able to make the gator:particle work successfully by following these steps:
Go to https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … e-assembly and click on the link to download the .hex file.
Import that .hex file into MakeCode.
Connect to the micro:bit and watch the serial terminal for the outputs. It worked. They could now modify the program according to what they wanted it to do.
the unsuccessful method they tried before:
Open a blank Makecode program.
Go to “Advanced” and “extensions”, search for Gator:Particle and click to add the extension.
Write the program I posted earlier.
The gator:particle always read 0 BPM for the heart rate.
In their program, we set the strength of the LED’s to 255 but the program didn’t work whether we included those blocks or not.
Is there a difference between the extension used by the example program on your website and the one that comes up when you search for gator:particle in the MakeCode extension library?