gator:particle not working

Troubleshooting for a student’s science fair project. The example code for gator:bit particle heart rate monitor does not show up (“network request failed”). I would like to compare it to the downloadable .hex file (“gator:particle Basic”) that is accessible via the provided link to see if there are any differences. I can’t get either of them to work. I have the gator:particle connected to the carrier as indicated in the photos under “Hardware Assembly” using P19 and P20. Thanks for any assistance.


The example code for gator:bit particle heart rate monitor does not show up (“network request failed”)

I’m not quite sure where you’re getting stuck, but it sounds like you’re having trouble adding the gator:particle extension into makecode and getting an error?

That can sometimes happen if a server that some supporting code lives on is down for maintenance when you tried. Give it another shot and see if it works for you now. (I just tried a bit ago and it was working for me.)

I would like to compare it to the downloadable .hex file (“gator:particle Basic”) that is accessible via the provided link to see if there are any differences.

Unfortunately .HEX files are machine code and not really human readable so you’re not going to be able to compare them. A snippet of a .HEX file is below if you want to see what they look like, but the example .HEX is many, many pages of same thing. Even if you could read it, it would be like comparing two nearly identical books looking for a mis spelled word in one.
