Gator:RTC Compilation Error in MakeCode

The Gator:RTC extension for MakeCode appears to be broken or incompatible with the current version of MakeCode (online or offline). I am working through the SparkFun gator:RTC hookup guide. When I enter anything from the Gator:RTC extension into my MakeCode program and then try to download it, I get the error: “Compilation failed, please check your code for errors”. I copied verbatim the example program and tried importing the example program and get the same results. Other programs seems to work just fine in MakeCode and with my micro:bit, but adding any Gator:RTC extension component breaks the program and I cannot download it to my Micro:bit.

Hi Mia, it looks like Microsoft did some kind of update that broke our extension. I’ve reported that too our engineers and hopefully they can get that fixed quickly. :slight_smile: