Gamer/Controller Bit Issues

I’m getting an issue with the controller-bit extension for microbit in makecode. Anytime I add anything with P0 i get a cannot compute enum value error. All browsers.

Issue even shows up on embedded code in the guide on the sparkfun website. … trollerbit


Sorry, for the delay in reply. Looking online when the issue first was reported, there was a recent [update to the MakeCode Editor which broke a few things. It took me a bit to narrow down what was going on. I fixed the bug with a [patch in v0.0.8. The gamer:bit extension works as expected with the examples using the controller:bit/gamer:bit. All associated tutorials and GitHub repos have been updated.

If you need to update any of your custom examples easily, try looking at the [Getting Started with the micro:Bit - Updating Extensions. It’s rare when we need to do that (I’ve had to do this twice in the last 3 years since this post). This should resolve the issue that you are seeing. If you need, here is a GIF of how to do it:

GIF Updating MakeCode Extension.

Enjoy! =)](](Bug in Button Press · sparkfun/pxt-gamer-bit@7cef098 · GitHub)](MakeCode 2020 update : Help & Support)