maybe someone can help me, I am trying to write to serLCD using avr attiny 2313. I am sending ascii characters using printf function and on the terminal it appears good but on the LCD I see garbage, anyone has any idea ?
thank’s all
maybe someone can help me, I am trying to write to serLCD using avr attiny 2313. I am sending ascii characters using printf function and on the terminal it appears good but on the LCD I see garbage, anyone has any idea ?
thank’s all
instead of “1” i get “a” on the screen
instead of “2” i get “b” on the screen
instead of “5” i get “m” on the screen
I cant get it , anyone has any idea ?
Look at my posting under the Everything ARM forum. Send serial in TTL format; check baud rate … use Hyperterm at 9600 8 n 1 through a MAX232 chip to the serial LCD. The MAX232 inverts PC RS232 format to TTL 5 volt , the logic is inverted so a direct connect lcd to PC is not possible.