Hi Everyone,
I am wondering if the Si7021 breakout board is required to be positioned in any specific way as to sense the temperature and humidity most accurately?
I currently have the breakout board hot-glued to the top of a clear enclosure with a 4.5mm diameter hole directly over the sensor. White protective cover on the sensor has not been removed. See the image attached. It is set to sense every second.
There is a little bit of debris on the white cover, and it is not as perfect as it was when first installed. Will this alter the readings to the effect that they will be grossly incorrect? Should I replace the board?
Is there a way to cover the sensor to protect it, but still allow it to sense the temperature and humidity?
Is there an industry standard to the positioning of temp/humidity sensors? Should I be potting the sensor rather than exposing it raw? What’s the best thing to do here?
Before it was moved to the top of the enclosure, it was sitting on the base of the enclosure exposed to the air inside the enclosure. I imagine this is then sensing what the temperature is inside the enclosure, not the ambient air outside of the enclosure. Even though the enclosure had an opening for USB charging nearby.
The temperature was about 20°C when I got in the car, then went up to 26°C when placed on the dashboard of my car, it didn’t feel like 26°C when I put my wrist in the same position. I then moved the sensor to the centre console away from the direct sunlight, then I put the air conditioner on in the car to the coldest, and it dropped 2°C, over half an hour with the aircon on. I was freezing.
Another test showed it to be 14°C while walking in the park, the sensor is shaded by my shadow. I then placed the sensor in direct sunlight and it goes up to 32°C. I then stand in front of the sensor to create a shadow, and it goes down to 28°C not budging for about 5 minutes, then drops to 26°C. I find this quite unexpected as the ambient air is still at a low 14°C.
Can anyone offer any advice or suggestions on how I might get more accurate readings to when the sensor is put in different environments?
And, why is it that the sensor thinks it’s still quite hot and stays at this temperature for so long rather than dropping to what the temperature actually is?
Any help appreciated