I have a Weather Shield with the Si7021 temperature and humidity sensor. At random times, the humidity reading will spike wildly. Sometimes it will spike at 100% and stay there for a while and then go back to ‘normal’. Other times, as shown in the attached graph the spikes will last only a short time. Can you tell me what is going on?
Thank you!
If moisture is condensing on the sensor, that could be causing the issue you’re seeing. It would stay at 100% until all the moisture evaporates and the membrane starts to dry out.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the quick reply! The sensor is located in a radiation shield and is, necessarily open to the air. Is is not exposed to direct rain, etc. Is there a way to avoid this issue?
Not that I can think of unfortunately.
You might try putting the sensor inside another box that has some small holes cut in it to see if that keeps moisture off the board, but that’s going to slow the boards response time and might cause some inaccurate readings.