SIK 4.1 with Python?

Is it possible to use Python with the SIK 4.1 kit? Unless I’m missing something, I can’t find any info online that mentions using Python with the RedBoard QWIIC, which is the board in the SIK. Most of the info I have found online is for CircuitPython with the RedBoard Turbo, which is not part of the SIK 4.1.


Reboard QUIIC is basically an Arduino UNO with an additional QUIIC interface. So, I think there will be no problem in programming the board in python. The method of programming Arduino UNO in python should work for this board too. … and-python

Great, thanks, that makes perfect sense!

I now see that the Ardunio UNO might also work with the CMU CS Academy Offline/Desktop version, which is Python (I teach CompSci with CMU CS Academy Online version). I’ll try both!