Silkscreen over pad removal

Hi all,

I’ve tried my best with many, many searches and as many random attempts in eagle. I’m trying to fill up most of the backside of the board i’m making with a graphic on a silkscreen layer but I don’t want to cover up the pads I need to solder to. How do I subtract or void objects from the silkscreen?



What board layout software are you using?

Eagle (newest version)


If you are talking about placing a graphic on the screen layer without regard to what pads the lines cross, and having Eagle drop out the screen where each pad is “violated,” I don’t think you are going to have any luck. Eagle won’t do this for you.

I’ve been noodling on this one and agree that eagle is not going to do it. but it seems to me that you might be able to export the soldermask layer and then use it to composite an image with holes where the solder mask is missing. I don’t know what software can do this but I’ve seen some one do it for compositing 2 photos. photoshop? you’d probably need gerber to jpg conversion.

seems like a lot of work, though.

I don’t know how important your graphics looks are, but I have used this trick in the past: use the top/bottom keepout (or restrict, I can’t remember which right now) for your graphics. If it’s on a solid copper plane, the grapics will come out in solder on a field of mask.

Good luck…