Simultaeneous RFID Reader, power light blinking on and off

I bought this board and was able to get it working with the Universal Reader Assistant by connecting it to my computer using a “SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340C and USB-C”. Initially the power light would stay on and the board was able to do the “Read Once” option, and would give some “board has disconnected” error when trying a continuous read. But my current problem is that the board no longer stays powered, the power light either blinks on a set interval or does nothing at all. Any idea what this could be? Its blinking on a set interval is making me think that it’s not a connection issue.

Make sure you have the UART switch on the desired side/mode … e-overview

Also try swapping the usb cable & USB port…that board in particular can draw a lot of power (especially during read/write), so make sure you have a good power source

Make sure the CH340C voltage selection is set for 5V. By default it provides 3V3 and that is not enough for the M6ENano

Sorry for the delayed response, this was the issue, I was using the CH340C 3.3 V connection rather than the 5V. Board now works without issue. Thank you!