Simultaneous RFID reader not working

Hello everybody,

I bought the Sparkfun Simultaneous RFID reader - M7E and the SparkFun RedBoard Artemis ATP. I have had no luck with getting the Arduino IDE or the Universal Reader Assistant to detect the RFID reader at all. I did some troubleshooting (downloading different versions of CH340 driver, different pin configurations, etc), but no luck.

Here are pictures of my wiring, let me know if there is anything I need to fix or if there is something else I need to download.

Thank you so much.

It can be a bad cable too. Try with another cable. Also test your jumper wires with a multimeter.

Just tested out all of the cables I used, the multimeter is reading on all of them. Any other suggestions?

this can be happening for a number of reasons. Start with basics and take it from there.

Does compiling and uploading & working the blink - example ? At least we know then you can connect correct and interact with the ATP. If not : fix that first. The problem might not be related to the M7E.

next steps related to the M7E:

what error message do yet get when you start the sketch. Does it say “check wiring ?”
if it does, what does your sketch looks like. seems you have connected to Serial1

If you can start scanning but you can’t read a tag : what kind of messages do you get when you enable debug ?

can you try the URA ?

So after some troubleshooting with a friend, we determined that the Artemis ATP was bricked. I am now using an Arduino Mega 2560.

My connections are as follows:
RFID <—> Mega
VCC VIN (I’ve tried 3.3V & 5V)

Good news it that now the computer and Arduino are transmitting and receiving data, however after running the code I get this error.

“Initializing RFID module…
Failed to get module version
Module failed to respond. Please check wiring.”

Here is my code:

code.txt (3.8 KB)

Thanks for the continued help!

The Mega uses 5v I/O, be sure to use a logic level shifter if you are using that board (m7e uses 3.3v I/O!)

Next to the above remark from TS-Russell, try to use the ‘setupRfidModule()’ as defined by Sparkfun. Your function is incomplete / out of order.

Start by using the example1 on SparkFun_Simultaneous_RFID_Tag_Reader_Library/examples/Example1_Constant_Read/Example1_Constant_Read.ino at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_Simultaneous_RFID_Tag_Reader_Library · GitHub and only update for Serial1 instead of softSerial. Also make sure the USB/SER switch is set to SER.

I just got my hands on a SparkFun Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter. I also switched to an Arduino Uno r3
Right now my connections are as follows.

RFID <-----> LV Side

HV Side <-----> Arduino Uno R3

Thanks for everybody’s continued help

Are things soldered? Share another photo (what you’ve posted looks mostly correct, there may be a typo (tx1 and rx0 on the r3 side? Should be just TX and RX)

The logic converter needs 3v3 als INPUT on LV.

RFID <-----> LV Side
GND          GND
VCC   <--------------->   5V on UNO
RXI          LV1
TXO          LV2
VO           LV            3v3 is provided by RFID OR connect LV to 3v3 on the UNO

HV Side <-----> Arduino Uno R3
GND                   GND
HV                    5V       AND to VCC RFID
HV1                   TX       see remark below
HV2                   RX

I thought you had a Mega2560, I wonder about the UNO R3. It does NOT have a Serial1. The RX and TX on the side of the board are the same as the USB connection. That will not work. Use SoftSerial instead and use pin 2 and 3