Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader (M6E Nano) with SparkX UHF RFID Ring Antenna reading no values

I am using a Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader (SEN-14066 M6E Nano) with the SparkX UHF RFID Ring Antenna (SPX-15113).

The SRTR is being used as a shield for the Arduino Uno.

Per the instructions, I removed the solder at the Select pads and added a blob of solder on the ANT pads. I used a probe to check that there was no connection between the Select pads, and that there was between the ANT pads. I am also using a 5V power supply and have a USB hooked up from my Arduino Uno to my computer. The code for Example1_ConstantRead compiles and uploads, but consistently says scanning, even when there is an RFID tag directly next to the antenna. I am using this Murata UHF RFID transponder. … FclQ%3D%3D

What could I be doing wrong?

It seems that the Murata tag operates in the 13.56MHz range, where as the ring antenna is meant for the 902 to 928 MHz range. That is likely the largest issue.

Thanks for the reply Brandon, that’s definitely one problem. I tried again with another tag I have, The ultra small UHF RFID Murata tag (KIT-16464) 865MHz to 928MHz, but that also gave the same result. Do you have any thoughts for what could be going wrong there?

In addition, I was wondering the read frequency of the M6E Nano as I wasn’t able to find it in the documentation pages.

From our internal teams the parts are compatible and should work together. Do you have other tags that you can use with the M6E Nano with the PCB antenna to check if the reader is defective? Remember that you’ll have to change traces to go between the two antennas?

Also, make sure the bottom of the reader board isn’t touching the top of the Arduino’s USB jack, that can short out one of the serial lines. When you try reading the KIT-16464 tags, your fingers may be attenuating the signal, you might try putting the tag at the end of a wooden stick or in the middle of a piece of tape and then move the tag across the antenna at different heights with your fingers well away from the tag.

Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately I tried using the internal antenna, making sure the usb port wasn’t touching the board, and keeping my fingers away, but still wasn’t able to get any readings.

Sorry for any inconvenience but can you please provide any video of your testing?

Same Problem here,

if i put the Shield on arduino, it works.

If i connect only 5V, GND and RX, TX to pin 2,3 , the Serial monitor works, and i can start reading.

But it wont find any tag.

Which connections do i need, to use the shield with the arduino, without putting it on the arduino? cause i need the other Pins.

There are really only 4 connections needed : 5V GND, TX and RX. If you want to use the speaker/tone which is also on the board you can connect pin 9 and 10 (optional). If you can connect to the board and can get to the point where is starts reading tags, the RX and RX are connected correctly. Try example1 (example 2 is using the tone/speaker). The Nano is very sensitive to power. Make sure the leads you use to connect are well connected and the power led is steady. I normally also connect a separate LIPO.

Thank you,

i will try.