Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader

Hello, this is my first time posting to this forum so apologies if this is not in the right category.

I am working on this hook up guide with the Simultaneous RFID tag reader: … -guide/all

I am doing the USB to serial reader connection. I am on the “Using the Universal Reader Assistant” page and am not able to get my device to appear. When I open the Universal Reader Assistant Connection, I select Serial Reader but my reader name is not detected so I cannot select it as an option.

My device is connected to the computer, and both the Simultaneous RFID reader and the Sparkfun serial basic break out are soldered together at the 6 serial pins. The serial basic breakout blinks both green and red and the simultaneous RFID reader blinks red when connected to the computer. However, some reason when I open the universal reader assistant, the device is not detected.

Any thoughts on what might be wrong? Thanks!

Some thoughts…

IS the connection correct (TX/RX) ? can you share pictures of the connection?

Have you installed the drivers for the serial breakout? (e.g. does the com port show up ?)

Is the serial breakout set to provide 5V ? (some can switch between 5V amd 3V3)

It has happened more than once that the Serial break-out has been connected the wrong way around. The power led should not be blinking but steady Red

Try another USB cable