Soil moisture sensor

Students are making a bracelet for measuring perspiration on the wrist as an indicator of heightened stress. Can the Soil moisture sensor be cut down, in half, and still take measurements?


The soil moisture sensor will not work for this project. It is only designed to be inserted into soil like our [Hookup Guide demonstrates. The sensor acts as a variable resistor where it will return an analog voltage on the SIG pin depending on how much water is present (more water = more conductivity = lower resistance). The probes need to be inserted into a type of soil to function.

Unfortunately, we do not have any humidity/moisture sensors that would work for this project. Our humidity sensors could theoretically work if they are sealed in a way that would only read the relative humidity around the wristband but they’re more for monitoring the humidity of an environment, not something like a wrist. Something like a pulse sensor like [this would probably be a better sensor for this project.

I hope this helps you find the right parts for this project.](Pulse Sensor - SEN-11574 - SparkFun Electronics)](Soil Moisture Sensor Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)