Solar Charge Controller for 7.4v lithium ion battery pack


I am looking for a solar charge controller to maintain a 7.4v li-ion battery pack (a connection to the panel, to the battery and to load). I found PRT-14411 in your website, but it seems to output 5v fixed. Is there any way I can get the same battery output (7.4v) from the controller, so that I can apply it to the load? I’m not sure if connecting the battery to the load will mess the charging algorithm of the controller. My load consists of a 5v MCU and a solenoid valve (here is where I need the 7.4v).

I also found PRT-12885, but it says it’s meant to be used with a single cell. My pack is 2S cells.

Do you have any suggestions for this?


Sadly everything we carry [except for this product is single cell only. :-(](SkyRC IMAX B6 V2 Professional Balance Charger / Discharger - PRT-16793 - SparkFun Electronics)

Sadly everything we carry [except for this product is single cell only. :frowning:

Thanks for the suggestion. Would this work with a solar panel as the DC input? I can’t find any reference to a solar connection in it’s documentation.](SkyRC IMAX B6 V2 Professional Balance Charger / Discharger - PRT-16793 - SparkFun Electronics)

It’s not designed to work with solar but if your solar panel is capable of outputting 11 to 18 volts DC and supplying 60 to 80 watts, it could be solar powered.