Soldering Headers to Lumenati 8-Stick?

Hello. I am a highschooler in a business class and we are constructing a project using the Lumenati LEDS and I wanted to solder a single 8-stick ( COM-14359) to headers so we could attach it to wires and then to a redboard. We did this with a clock module (BOB-12708) using the little 5 holes, where we stook the male headers in. We only have one 8-stick, not two. So, I want to ask if it is possible to solder male headers (PRT-00116) to those semi circles on either end of the 8-stick. I’m concerned it may not work considering it isn’t a full circle hole. Thanks for any help.

So, I want to ask if it is possible to solder male headers (PRT-00116) to those semi circles on either end of the 8-stick.

Yes but it might be a bit fragile since the header pins only have half a hole's trace to adhere. If it's housed within an enclosure or is otherwise reasonably protected from much pushing & pulling on the soldered header wires, it will probably hold together.

If it needs to be more sturdy, see this about soldering the castellated half-holes. … ting-holes

There isn’t a breakout for your LED stick but, since there’s only four terminals, you might be able to repurpose an inexpensive donor like this:

Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll check out those links.