Sparkfun DA16200 Thing Plus when connected via USB is showing only one COM port in device manager


I wanted to use the DA16200 Thing Plus to connect to the AWS and publish a topic using AT commands.

From the manual, I understand that when the SOC is connected to the USB, 2 virtual COM ports will be available so that I can use the 2 teraterm windows- One(UART0) for the console commands and the other (UART1 )for the AT command.

But when i connect my sparkfun DA16200, only one COM port is available and I am not able to use AT commands even after changing the baud rate to 115200 in the one and only teraterm window. However the console commands are working good with 230400 baud rate.

Please help

Best Regards,


There’s only one COM port connected via the on board USB. There is a second UART on the board but you will need a FTDI attached to it to talk to it via USB.