On Mac Catalina, I see the https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15096 listed as ```
I am trying to get the Ambiq SDK example to work. Following instructions as described in [https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/us ... plications](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/using-sparkfun-edge-board-with-ambiq-apollo3-sdk/example-applications):
I am unable to upload the built accelerometer example. I selected port 14410 and I keep getting <B>__*Com Port not found - Did you select the right one?*__</B>. Please help.
gcc anil$ make COM_PORT=COM14410 bootload_asb ASB_UPLOAD_BAUD=921600
Makefile:112: warning: you have not defined PYTHON3. assuming it is accessible by ‘python3’
Makefile:120: defaulting to 921600 baud for SVL
Makefile:125: warning: you have not defined SDKPATH so will continue assuming that the SDK root is at …/…/…/…/…
Makefile:133: warning: you have not defined COMMONPATH so will continue assuming that the COMMON root is at …/…/…/…/common
Makefile:141: warning: you have not defined BOARDPATH so will continue assuming that the BOARD root is at …/…/…
Makefile:149: warning: you have not defined PROJECTPATH so will continue assuming that the PROJECT root is at …
python3 …/…/…/…/common/tools_sfe/asb/asb.py --bin …/gcc/bin/lis2dh12_accelerometer_uart_asb.bin --load-address-blob 0x20000 --magic-num 0xCB -o …/gcc/bin/lis2dh12_accelerometer_uart --version 0x0 --load-address-wired 0xC000 -i 6 --options 0x1 -b 921600 -port COM14410 -r 2 -v
Header Size = 0x80
original app_size 0x4018 ( 16408 )
load_address 0xc000 ( 49152 )
app_size 0x4018 ( 16408 )
w0 = 0xcb004098
Security Value 0x10
w2 = 0x10008080
addrWord = 0xc000
versionKeyWord = 0x0
child0/feature = 0xffffffff
child1 = 0xffffffff
crc = 0x5959421d
Writing to file …/gcc/bin/lis2dh12_accelerometer_uart_OTA_blob.bin
testing: …/gcc/bin/lis2dh12_accelerometer_uart_OTA_blob.bin
Header Size = 0x60
app_size 0x4098 ( 16536 )
Writing to file …/gcc/bin/lis2dh12_accelerometer_uart_Wired_OTA_blob.bin
Image from 0x0 to 0x4098 will be loaded at 0x20000
Connecting over serial port COM14410…
Detected Serial Ports:
USB Serial
Com Port not found - Did you select the right one?