sparkfun ft232rl usb to serial, is TX to GND 3.06v normal?

I’ve been having “trouble” getting my new ft232rl breakout board working properly, or so I think. I’ve posted this q here because I’m trying to use it to communicate with a LP5DSM transmitter (spektrum).

I’m sending packets of data every 10ms, 125000 baud, 8n1. Should I be reading 3.06 volts between tx and gnd? When I start transmitting to the LP5DSM module (GND, 3.3V, RX connected to GND, 3.3V, and TX respectively on the breakout board), the RX LED on the LP5DSM flashes very dimly, as if it were not receiving high enough voltage.

If I measure between TX and GND on my controller, from which I took the LP5DSM, I get 3.39volt. I may have a programming error, but I’m trying to rule out all other possibilities. I’m reading the binary through the port, and it looks correct.

Am I doing anything wrong, that would cause the FT232rl breakout board transmit at a lower voltage than 3.3v?

Thank you very much!!
