Sparkfun IoT Brushless Motor Driver - not working - ESP32 reset loop


I hope this is the right place for the above board.

I followed the hookup guide and programed the board successfully.

However, the board gets into reset loop throwing the reset boot message to the terminal every second, the motor is not running and has no resistance when trying to turn it manually.

I tried another USB cable, another USB 3.0 port and also connecting directly from wall charger but got the same behavior (for the charger there is an on-board LED blinking every second that indicated the reboot loop).

I did try Arduino IDE 1.8.19 and also the latest Arduino IDE 2.21.

I tried the ESP32 DEV board and also the ESP32 Thing Plus C board.

Then I programmed a simple sketch to print a running counter to the terminal and it worked just find.

Any thoughts what could be wrong?

Thank you.

Is the physical reset or boot switch stuck by chance? Have you attempted to upload the default sketch? … e-factory/

If neither of those get it going it’s likely defective; was it purchased from us? If so head over to (contact vendor if purchased elsewhere) and we’ll get ya squared away

Thank you very much for your answer.

I tried the default sketch and it worked. Thank you.

I compared it with the sketch that I had and there is a difference in the pinout. I didn’t even think to check it.

Thank you again. Very much appreciated.