SparkFun LG290P Quadband GNSS RTK Breakout: UART2 port for RTK correction values

I am about to receive my order of two LG290P breakout board and after going through the hookup guide-

Hardware Assembly - SparkFun LG290P Quadband GNSS RTK Breakout Hookup Guide

I am thinking of setting one board as base station and send correction data using UART2 port (use RFD868ux for serial data transmission) and receiving the correction data in UART2 of the other board.

My query is do I have to make any other changes to send correction data to achieve RTK using this serial connection or will it work the same as your GPS RTK2 board.


It’s similar. You’ll need to setup the base to be in base mode, which will automatically enable RTCM output. You’ll need to set the baud rate of UART2 to match the radios. But I believe that’s all you should need to do.

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