SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4 - Not detecting all operators in Greece

Hi all,

I own a [SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4 and following the [LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT Shield Hookup Guide I am trying to use Hologram SIM card in my area, Greece.

According to [Hologram coverage page, in Greece all operators are compatible (there are three: Vodafone, Cosmote, WIND).

  • following the provided sketch 00_Register_Operator only two of them are available (Vodafone and Cosmote)

  • every time I run this, the shield is connected only to Vodafone

  • whenever I select the other operator, serial messages at the end say it succeed, but no connection achieved (and I end up running again and selecting Vodafone as operator)

is there an issue or I am doing something wrong ??

regards](Global IoT Coverage | Hologram)](LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT Shield Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)](

Hi alexxtasi,

Hmm, that should work just fine. Have you activated your Hologram SIM card? If so, can you please take a screenshot of what the example code is printing when it fails to connect? Also, just to make sure there are no weird hardware issues going on, can you please take a few photos of the top and bottom of your SARA-R4 shield and attach them to your reply?

Hi TS-Mark !

I attached top / bottom pictures of the shield … I have to say I’ve done no modification, just following the guide.

Last time I run 00_Register_Operator sketch, I tried to connect to Cosmote provider with no success. Below (hologram-registration.png ), you see the result when running again the sketch (“already connected” operator). At the same time, in Hologram dashboard my card state is “ready”, but I suppose it should be in the “Connected” and also in the correct provider (hologram-dashboard.png).

Unplugging and plugging again usb from Redboard, I run the registration sketch again, this time pressing y in order to scan again for operators:

Initializing the LTE Shield...
...this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off. may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.
LTE Shield connected!

Already connected to: 202 01 Hologram
Press y to connect to a new operator, or any other key to continue.

Setting mobile-network operator
Set mobile network operator to Default

Setting APN...
APN successfully set.

Press any key scan for networks..
Scanning for operators...this may take up to 3 minutes

Did not find an operator. Double-check SIM and antenna, reset and try again, or try another network.

In my last tests. this always happens even though I moved the shield outdoors, in case of bad signal !!

Often it scans only two from the local three operators and connecting to one of them (Cosmote):

Initializing the LTE Shield...
...this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off. may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.
LTE Shield connected!

Already connected to: 202 01 Hologram
Press y to connect to a new operator, or any other key to continue.

Setting mobile-network operator
Set mobile network operator to Default

Setting APN...
APN successfully set.

Press any key scan for networks..
Scanning for operators...this may take up to 3 minutes

Found 2 operators:
1: 202 01 (20201) - CURRENT
2: 202 05 (20205) - AVAILABLE

Press 1-2 to select an operator.
Connecting to option 1
Network 202 01 registered

Connection info:
APN: hologram
Operator: 20201
RSSI: 17

… but again in holoogram dashboard SIM card is in ready mode, not connected (see hologram-dashboard.png) and every attempt to send “Cloud Message” using sketch 03_TCP_Recieve_Hologram fails !!

LTE Shield connected!
Listening socket open: 0

-hologram log : ```
Failed to connect to device to send message

Another attempt to connect scans only one operator and shows:

Initializing the LTE Shield…
…this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.
…it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.
LTE Shield connected!

Already connected to: 20201
Press y to connect to a new operator, or any other key to continue.

Setting mobile-network operator
Set mobile network operator to Default

Setting APN…
APN successfully set.

Press any key scan for networks…
Scanning for operators…this may take up to 3 minutes

Found 1 operators:
1: 202 05 (20205) - AVAILABLE

Press 1-1 to select an operator.
Connecting to option 1
Error connecting to operator. Reset and try again, or try another network.
Connection info:
APN: hologram
Operator: 20205

only after that hologram SIM shows "Connected" and cloud message is received by the shield

LTE Shield connected!
Listening socket open: 0
Read: Hey Vodafone !!
Socket: 1
Remote IP:

I should mention that this operator is the one I setup in the first place, but it's a little weird 

- scans only two or one of the three operators

- when trying to connect to another, often scans no one

- connects to hologram and receives cloud messages only when is being connected to Vodafone (the first operator to connect to)

Am I doing something wrong here ?

thanks in advance




… the bottom side of the shield (couldn’t attache in the last post)