I recently purchased a SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4.
I followed from instructions on the LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT Shield Hookup Guide.
I tried running the script 00_Register_Operator with a Hologram Sim.
The Hologram Sim is has been activated and shows the status “Ready” on the Hologram Dashboard.
I have tried without and with the external antenna (LTE Antenna 100mm FPC U.FL - VT4GFIA-6).
So its the standard script with no changes.
I am getting the following error “Did not find an operator. Double-check SIM and antenna, reset and try again, or try another network.”
I ran the script Serial_Passthrough and got the result “LTE Shield connected!” “Ready for passthrough!”.
Which suggests the LTE shield is communicating with the Arduino Uno R3.
I have gone through some of the past forum posts and tried all recommendations. And there appears to be no solution on any of the threads.
Have tried outdoors and I live in the city of Melbourne where I have complete coverage from all networks.
Sparkfun team please provide assistance on further steps to take.