SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield - SARA-R4 won't register

So I have been trying to get this working for a while and haven’t had any luck. I ran through the tutorials and still no luck. Being that I am stubborn and don’t like asking for help, I first tried everything I could think of, including multiple sim cards from both Hologram and Verizon (my cell’s sim and a ThingSpace sim) all to no avail. Then I found out that to register on Verizon you need a Verizon IoT certified device. So back to the drawing board and I try a non-Verizon network. Below are the results from 00_Register_Operator with the network operator set to Default. 311 480 appears to be Verizon’s network, hence the FORBIDDEN!!! Not sure about the other one though.

09:31:48.899 → Initializing the LTE Shield…

09:31:48.899 → …this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

09:31:48.933 → …it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

09:31:49.700 → LTE Shield connected!

09:31:49.700 →

09:31:49.735 → Setting mobile-network operator

09:31:49.770 → Set mobile network operator to Default

09:31:49.805 →

09:31:49.805 → Setting APN…

09:31:49.840 → APN successfully set.

09:31:49.840 →

09:31:49.840 → Press any key scan for networks…

09:31:52.525 → Scanning for operators…this may take up to 3 minutes

09:31:52.559 →

09:33:24.361 → Found 4 operators:

09:33:24.361 → 1: 311 480 (311480) - FORBIDDEN

09:33:24.396 → 2: 311 480 (311480) - FORBIDDEN

09:33:24.431 → 3: 310 260 (310260) - AVAILABLE

09:33:24.501 →

09:33:24.501 → Press 1-4 to select an operator.

09:34:20.437 → Connecting to option 3

09:37:19.902 → Error connecting to operator. Reset and try again, or try another network.

09:37:19.972 → Connection info:

09:37:19.972 → APN: h⸮logram

09:37:20.007 → IP:

09:37:20.007 → Operator:

09:37:20.042 → RSSI: 10

09:37:20.042 →

Tried switching the operator to ATT and got this.

10:16:21.462 → Initializing the LTE Shield…

10:16:21.497 → …this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

10:16:21.531 → …it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

10:16:22.291 → LTE Shield connected!

10:16:22.291 →

10:16:22.326 → Setting mobile-network operator

10:16:22.361 → Set mobile network operator to AT&T

10:16:22.396 →

10:16:22.396 → Setting APN…

10:16:22.431 → APN successfully set.

10:16:22.431 →

10:16:22.431 → Press any key scan for networks…

10:16:28.919 → Scanning for operators…this may take up to 3 minutes

10:16:28.954 →

10:16:57.181 → Found 1 operators:

10:16:57.181 → 1: 310 260 (310260) - AVAILABLE

10:16:57.214 →

10:16:57.214 → Press 1-1 to select an operator.

10:18:33.020 → Connecting to option 1

10:21:32.533 → Error connecting to operator. Reset and try again, or try another network.

10:21:32.603 → Connection info:

10:21:32.603 → APN: hologram

10:21:32.638 → IP:

10:21:32.673 → RSSI: 12

10:21:32.673 →

Also tried it with T-mobile as the operator.

10:25:36.869 → Initializing the LTE Shield…

10:25:36.901 → …this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

10:25:36.935 → …it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

10:25:37.667 → LTE Shield connected!

10:25:37.667 →

10:25:37.737 → Setting mobile-network operator

10:25:45.263 → Set mobile network operator to T-Mobile

10:25:45.298 →

10:25:45.298 → Setting APN…

10:25:45.333 → APN successfully set.

10:25:45.333 →

10:25:45.333 → Press any key scan for networks…

10:26:11.259 → Scanning for operators…this may take up to 3 minutes

10:26:11.294 →

10:26:29.418 → Found 1 operators:

10:26:29.418 → 1: 310 260 (310260) - AVAILABLE

10:26:29.453 →

10:26:29.453 → Press 1-1 to select an operator.

10:26:36.598 → Connecting to option 1

10:29:36.124 → Error connecting to operator. Reset and try again, or try another network.

10:29:36.194 → Connection info:

10:29:36.194 → APN: hologram

10:29:36.194 → IP:

10:29:36.229 → RSSI: 12

10:29:36.229 →

I see your post is over a year old. The support at SparkFun is terrible here.

I see you have your APN set to APN: hologram.

Try to put your Verizon Sim card into a regular Verizon Cell Phone to get your correct APN.

I have AT&T so my correct APN would be nxtgenphone on line 58 of 00_Register_Operator. Of course yours would be different.

Leave line 52 as MNO_SW_DEFAULT, don’t change it to MNO_VERIZON or anything else.

Then upload and run script, open the serial monitor and press any key when prompted. if the blue led light stays on, you should be now connected to the correct network operator.

1: 310-260 (310260) - T-Mobile

2: 310 410 (310410) - At&t

3: 313 100 (313100) - 911

4: 311 490 (311490) - Sprint

5: 311 480 (311480) - Verizon

Update Never Mind, I’m an idiot, I was just hoping to help. Your right about it being a Verizon issue. I read this:

Works well with the exception of activation on Verizon

last week by Member #1708775 verified purchaser

The shield works with networks such as T-Mobile and likely others. Great examples and code library already available for getting started and testing.

There are however issues with activation on the Verizon network because Verizon requires both the module and device to be certified through their ODI process.

Details regarding Verizon activation issues:

The IMEI for these devices is not yet illegible to be activated on the Verizon network due to there being missing certification (see https://opendevelopment.verizonwireless … leshooting).

The SARA-R410M-02B is listed on the approved modules at: https://opendevelopment.verizonwireless … dule/16752

Support from u-blox has informed me that it is possible to use this board with new Verizon SIMs if it is registered through their ODI process. The SARA-R410M-02B module is Verizon certified but this is a module-level certification.

This can be done by defining a prototype device in the OD portal, and then associate the IMEI of the SARA-R410M-02B modules with this prototype. Verizon will allow activation of a limited number of SIMs for development.

Once the device is certified with Verizon, the devices manufactured will need the IMEIs uploaded of those modules. That will link the IMEI to the certified end device rather than the certified module. Verizon SIMs at this point can be activated without restriction.

Is At&t available in your area? I went to Walmart and bought a TracFone Sim card starter kit that includes sims for AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon.

I use the tracfone pay as you go. $20 for 90 days. That’s what I use. It’s $80 a year and you get 1000 sms for $5.

All I can say is that blue led light on the Sara R4 is your friend. If you can get that blue light to stay on, your in business.