Sparkfun LTE CAT M1 SARA-R4 Dev Board Can't Connect Socket

I’m using the Sparkfun SARA-R4 dev board for a project which involved sending live telemetry over a socket to an online API, and am having difficulty successfully sending data over the socket. I am using Google App Engine to host my cloud API, and am wondering if the trailing slash required for App Engine endpoints is causing the issue. I usually connect to the API without specifying a port, but am passing the default port (80) to the modem since it is required (not sure if this is the issue).

Via wscat, I can text the socket successfully by connecting to the URL “ws://”. When I send this to the modem, it hangs and eventually says the socket connect command fails. If I just do “” the connect command succeeds, but my API never shows there having been a connection (don’t think its the API’s fault, every other text connection I’ve made is recorded). Does anyone have any experience using these modules with Google Cloud APIs? Am I entering the URL incorrectly somehow?

Thanks in advance!