SparkFun MP3 Player Shield with Arduino only get high pitch sound

I have a SparkFun MP3 Player Shield V15 setting on top of a Arduino UNO R3.

I have gotten to the point of seeing the 5 mp3 files that I have put on the SD card when viewing the serial monitor.

I can also hit the s key and enter key to do the sine wave test si I am at least able to do something. That is if the sine wave is just a high pitch sound. I can also raise and lower the volume so I am at least able to do something.

When I type any of the play file code (001, 002, 003 etc etc) I get the " ERROR CODE 2 when trying to play track" message if that helps any. My plan is to use buttons to play 7 different sound files. (mp3s)

My hope is that this can be done and that my issue is a simple one to resolve.

Any help on this issue would be great.


Error 2 means that the format of the file is not correct. I once faced this error and I realized that I have named my files track00x.mp3 and the file type was mp3, so your device will name the files as track00x.mp3.mp3

hope this helped.

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I understand what you are saying.

I will have a look and report back. I am hoping to get it to work. I invested in 3 of them. I have only opened 1 and wanted to get it setup and working.