SparkFun ProDriver and Stepper Motor 68 (400 steps/rev)

Hello. I have hooked up the ProDriver (ROB-16836) and the 400 steps/rev stepper (ROB-10846) with 5V/2A regulated power adapter and an Arduino Uno according to the SparkFun hook up guide here: … e-assembly

From the SparkFun Arduino Library for the ProDriver, I tried the “Example1_Basic” and the “Example2_Microstep” and neither one caused any movement in the stepper motor.

Troubleshooting I’ve done:

Double-checked my wiring.

Measured continuity of all connections using multimeter.

Measured the voltage from the power adapter (5.4V).

The only thing I can think of, but don’t know how to test, is some kind of confusion between the Arduino code written for 200 steps, and the ProDriver setting based on the following statement from the Hardware Overview page of the ProDriver hook up guide:

"Clock-In Stepping Control

This is a standard method for controlling most stepper motor drivers. By default, the ProDriver is configured for clock-in stepping in the fixed mode with a step resolution of 1/128 of a step."

and from the “Example1_Basic” from SparkFun’s ProDriver Library:

“This example does a default setup (full step resolution) and turns the motor back and forth.”

What do you think should be my next step to get the motor to move? Thanks!

Here’s a photo of my setup:

Ensure the code is uploading to the Uno correctly, if it is, then perhaps create a new sketch and use this code (which has the 400-step modification you suggested):

Control a bi-polar stepper motor using the SparkFun ProDriver TC78H670FTG
By: Pete Lewis
SparkFun Electronics
Date: July 2nd, 2020
License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
basically do whatever you want with this code.
This example does a default setup (full step resolution) and turns the motor back and forth.

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Hardware Connections:
D7 → EN
D6 → MODE0
D5 → MODE1
D4 → MODE2
D3 → MODE3
D2 → ERR

#include “SparkFun_ProDriver_TC78H670FTG_Arduino_Library.h” //Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_ProDriver
PRODRIVER myProDriver; //Create instance of this object
void setup() {
Serial.println(“SparkFun ProDriver TC78H670FTG Example 1”);
myProDriver.begin(); // default settings
void loop() {
myProDriver.step(400, 0); // turn 400 steps, CW direction
myProDriver.step(400, 1); // turn 400 steps, CCW direction

Hope this helps!

Anything get warm on the board and does the motor get hard to turn by hand when the power is on?

@ TS-Russell

I’m not sure how to ensure the code is uploading to the Uno (I’m new to this), but when I uploaded your “400 step” altered Example 1 code, the serial monitor did print the line in the code, so I assume that means the code is uploading?

However, unfortunately, still no motor movement.


Nothing is warm on the driver.

When everything is plugged in, and the sketch is loaded onto the Arduino, the motor turns easily.

OK, some things to try:

  • - Can't see your switch very well in your photo, is it in the USER position or OFF position? (needs to be in the USER position)
  • - You might try switching out the jumper wires you have now, if one of them is bad, the driver might not work at all.
  • - If you're using a 5 volt regulated power supply and it's outputting 5.4 volts something might be wrong with the power supply. Try another, preferably one that outputs more than 2 amps.
  • @ TS-Chris

    Yep, flipping the switch did the trick! Thank you so much.

    Glad you got it running, happy hacking!