Using myProDriver with ROB-10846 and Example1_Basic.ino

I am using ROB-16836.I have been able to get this program to run, but the motor runs in one direction, pauses, and runs in the same direction again. Sometimes it only runs in one direction. Where can I find more information on “myProDriver”?

Double check your connections SparkFun ProDriver and Mini Stepper Motor Driver Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn

What motor are you pairing it with?

I have the ROB-10846 Stepper Motor connected to the ROB-16836 ProDriver which is connected to a DEV-15123 SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic which is connected via USB to the computer. I have followed the Hardware Assembly here: SparkFun ProDriver and Mini Stepper Motor Driver Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn.
I then tried the first example from here: SparkFun ProDriver and Mini Stepper Motor Driver Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn
I will triple-check the connections.
Do you have advice on the power connections? I am powering the Redboard via the USB and the ProDriver from an external power supply–what voltage would be best?
I did move the switch on the ProDriver to Enable.

That motor might be causing brown-out (it uses 1.7A per phase, so ~3.4A and the ProDriver can push up to 2A max)…it might help to test with a smaller stepper if you can get ahold of one

Share a photo of your connections on the ProDriver, specifically the latch side and input side wires

I switched to another motor, ROB-09238, which has a lower current specification and now things are working. Thanks!

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