SparkFun ProDriver

Hello! I have a question… can I connect 3 SparkFun ProDriver to one Arduino mega to create a small CNC or can anybody suggest a better option ?

Yes, you can attach more than two ProDrivers to a single Arduino but we do not have code examples or connection diagrams that show how. (It’s possible but you’d need to do some research to figure it out.)

After a quick glance of the hookup guide, it looks like the MODE1 pin on the third board would just need a different pin on your Mega and you’d need to modify the 2 motor example sketch to support a third motor.

Thanks for the reply! Is there a better option of components to build a CNC with 3 stepper motors?

The Big Easydriver might be easier to use, it really only needs 2 inputs (step and direction) connected to work. Three of them would only tie up 6 Arduino pins.

I just purchased a SparkFun ProDriver and have hooked it up according to the instructions and it is not working. Before I go through the details, I want to determine whether I should post them here under this topic “SparkFun ProDriver” or start a new topic for my issue because this particular poster’s issue has been resolved?

Thank you!

Please start a new topic since your question is different from the original posters. :slight_smile:

Thanks, will do :slight_smile: