SparkFun Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag - Read/Write from another tag


This NFC tag is quite cool and it works great. I’ve tested the EEPROM stuff, I’ve also tested to read and write from/to it with my iPhone. Works geat as well.

Question is, can one SparkFun Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag read and write to another SparkFun Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag ?

To put this into a scenario. Say we have two devices. Both have the SparkFun Qwiic Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag connected to them. We want device 1 to write to device 2, or read from device 2, and vice versa.

I don’t see an example of that in the library so I thougth I’d as khere. :smiley:

Sure, you’d just recombine parts of this … ations.ino and alter its code for the other tag

Thanks for you reply!

I read that example, but mayne I am completely missing here.

It seems like the example is just for the i2c EEPROM stuff, not for reading tags wirelessly?

I would very much appreciate if you could show me more in depth what part of the code, makes it so that I can read one tag using another tag.


There isn’t a ready-made combined example, but you can use the above code with the wifi one … F_WiFi.ino to do what you’ve described

None of these examples have any functions that enables one tag to read another tag. It’s all just EEPROM or i2c stuff. Reading and writing to a tag over i2c is no problem, works fine. I can also read the tag with my iPhone.

But trying to read one tag using another tag, doesn’t seem to be possible?

In other words. Having 2x ATP boards with a Teensy for example. Each has a NFC tag connected to power and i2c.

Teensy 1 wants to read Teensy 2’s NFC tag. And vice versa.

What function in the library uses one NFC tag to read another?

But trying to read one tag using another tag, doesn’t seem to be possible?

Nope. You need a reader to read tags, tags don’t have a reader built into them.

Thanks for confirming that, I was starting to loose my mind a little.

So to sum it all up. These IC’s from STM are:

  • EEPROM that can read/write to either via an NFC reader (Smartphone or something) or over i2c.